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  • Writer's pictureOlivia Liv Mortimer

Behind the Scenes 1

So after a really tough start back into my day job as a music teacher

I finally found some time to follow my photography.

So today I wanted to reveal a bit about my thought process while taking pictures and what I want to express with them (although words can only do that to a very limited extent). Also I wanted to share with you how i determine if I feel, that I was successful.


Why did I take this picture?

This strangely beautiful and fragile flower immediately caught my eye.

I loved the akwardly long stem that seems so fragile with the big bud at the top, you think it should collapse! Simulatneously the the bud is reaching upwards, towards the light as if it was trying to lift itself up. So that tension is what attracted me and made it beautiful and special to me.

Did I achieve what I intended to from a techncal point of view?

Yes and No. I did in terms of background, having the shallow depth of field, but still seeing the other buds that are also stretching upwards and capturing the beautiful colour. I didn't get the bud light and pop the way I wanted though. I wanted it to be lighter and stand out more. I should have taken a small light or a reflector. I couldn't fix it in post processing. So next time I will try to take a small light with me.


Why did I take this picture?

This plant immediately caught my eye as well: it is different than your typical "pretty" plant. It is interesting in shape and I love the seeds that are in the leaves. At the same time it builds quite a contrast to the beautiful colours in the background. It is very tangible and you can see its different textures. With it's brown colour it seems to be a shy precursor of fall.

Did I achieve what I intended to from a techncal point of view?

Yes. I wanted to catch the soft flow of the colours in the background and main subject standing out in a way that it seems you can feel it's texture.

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